Is Buying Property in Thailand a Smart Investment?

Property investing locally in Malaysia may not be as promising as it was a decade ago with its low rental yield, slow capital appreciation, and, even worse, capital depreciation at some locations. What more international property investment?

While low property prices make Malaysia a great place to live, should property investors just look at the affordability or ROI for their investments? 

With a growing economy and a stable political environment, we're here to shed some light on international property investment, specifically on how Thailand has become one of Southeast Asia's most popular places for property investment globally.

1.0 High Rental Yields

Thailand's property market offers some of the best rental yields in Southeast Asia for those looking to generate a steady passive income from their investments. According to the Global Property Guide, you can expect rental yields in Bangkok to average 4.45%, with a range between 1.89% to 8.00%. The high yet steady demand for rental properties due to population size and concentration of workforce, particularly in cities such as Bangkok, makes it easy for property investors to acquire tenants and achieve rental income that is significantly higher than in other countries in the region.

2.0 Growth in Capital Appreciation

One of the key advantages of investing in Thailand property is capital appreciation. Over the past decade, the property market in Thailand has experienced substantial growth, and property prices have risen accordingly. This upward trend is expected to continue, offering investors even higher potential for significant capital gains reporting up to 8.5% YoY in Sep 2021 due to Thailand’s focus on improving infrastructure, transforming traditional business models into more innovative ones, creating more job opportunities, and ultimately further uplifting the property market demand of Thailand.

3.0 Simple Buying Process

The Thai government has made it relatively straightforward for foreign investors to purchase and own property in Thailand, and the country has a well-developed legal and regulatory framework that protects the rights of property owners. There are established real estate agents, property investment companies (like us, DWG Malaysia), and property management companies that can assist foreign investors with buying and, more importantly, managing their Thailand properties. The Thai government further supports Thailand's property purchases by offering numerous incentives for foreign investors, such as tax breaks and streamlined visa processes, further increasing Thailand's property market attractiveness. 

It's worth noting that, like any investment, buying property in Thailand does carry some risks. The property market is subject to fluctuations which can affect the property market's value. However, with careful research and planning, these risks can be minimized, and the potential rewards can be substantial. We from DWG have conducted intensive due diligence and invested in the developments before introducing them to the property market to ensure that the selected developments will benefit our investors.

So whether you're looking to invest in a holiday home, a rental property, or a long-term investment, buying a Thailand property fits all the criteria for a smart investment, especially for foreign investors, due to its attractive returns and ease of buying process.

Good news! We are hosting the Bangkok Property Event in Johor Bahru. It's a Thailand property event on 28 May 2023 @ 10:30 AM - 5:30 PM in TROVE Johor Bahru. This event will offer you the chance to learn more about Thailand property investment. You can learn more and consult with property experts about purchasing Thailand properties. Limited slots are available, so click on the link below or call 012-993 3226 / 012-993 3228 to RSVP today!


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